domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Barack Obama and his family

This is an activity that we worked at "El Cultural" in January as a request of our coordinator Elizabeth LLatas, The main focus of the activy was to make our students aware of the importance of the historic day January 20th, 2009, when Barack H. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America - the first African-American ever to hold the office of U.S. Commander-in-Chief. As a Fundamental 2 Teacher I designed this activity where the SS not only learned about this historic event but also practiced the Verb To Be and possesive adjectives

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Quiero compartir este excelente video que debemos seguir aprendiendo como Docentes y poder enfrentar nuevos paradigmas educativos en estos tiempos cambiantes y sobre todo aplicar nuevas estrategias y formas de educar par la vida que es lo más importante y bueno me impacto mucho este video que encontre en su blog de Redes para la Ciencia publicaron ya terminando el año 2009 y espero puedan analizar y compartirlo también con todos.